Stanford University

Each year thousands of parents around the world dream that their children will be admitted to the most prestigious universities in the world, convinced that an education in these academic centers will guarantee them a successful professional career and a future full of the best opportunities. There are a number of universities, such as Stanford, Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Yale, Penn and some others, that illuminate the faces and dreams of these parents, knowing that an education in these centers will change the lives of their children, will provide them with a spectacular network of contacts for the future, and will give you countless professional opportunities before you even finish your degree.

But it is important to understand how difficult it is to get an admission to Stanford or centers of the same academic level and above all, be aware that success in life does not depend on being admitted, or not, in these universities. Many of the students who go to these universities go unnoticed by life, while many others, who study in many other university centers, have a global impact on their activities. Many families make the mistake of thinking that it is only worth studying at Yale or Stanford elite universities, not knowing that there are dozens of highly educational sites in the United States and that in some fields of study there are universities that are better academically than the most recognized sites by name.

Universities like Stanford can open many doors to your children, allow you to show off in front of other parents, classmates and friends, but the most important thing when you value an international education is not only to be realistic with the profile of our child, but also to find the university that is really ideal for the student, evaluating academic, social and financial variables. It is important to realize that only a few students from all over the world (most of them with perfect academic records or with histories that show that they are phenomena) go through the hard admission process, with what is normal, even if our son is very good student and have done many things in his baccalaureate years, is that he does not get admission to Stanford, Yale, Princeton or similar universities. And for this reason it is also very important to have different alternatives when you start the process of evaluation of universities, to have a Plan B or a Plan C in case you do not get the admission in university that you have chosen for your child, well be Stanford or another. In fact, with the numbers that are handled, it is very good not to trust the admission in this type of universities and to consider a range of options that guarantee a good university for the future of the student in the USA.

To get admission into Stanford, the first step they take is a holistic assessment of each student, focusing on the academic excellence, intellectual vitality and personal context of each individual. They will value very intelligent students, who have excelled intellectually or with some other talent, and who have demonstrated that they are ready to do great things. They look for the next Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg, people who can change the world in the future.

The most important point in the evaluation of students is academic excellence, based on the preparation they have received, the results they have obtained and the potential they have to be successful people. At Stanford, they want young people who have given their best during the baccalaureate years, who have outstanding grades, who do very well in the entrance exams and who have not been satisfied with the academic experience.

The second point is the ambition and intellectual vitality of the student, valuing his commitment, his dedication and his interest in wanting to do extraordinary things with his life. The letters of recommendation and the ‘essays’ (written essays) that go into the application for admis

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